Do Pets Affect Your HVAC Performance?

Pets, Blog, HVAC, Madeira, Maintenance, OH, Ohio

If you’re a pet owner, your loving companion means the world to you, and you want nothing but the best for them, including the environment they live in and the air they breathe daily. But have you ever wondered how having a pet in your home can impact your HVAC system? Surprisingly, our furry friends can have a significant effect. Luckily, our HVAC experts at Madeira Heating & Air have provided you with some helpful tips to keep your family and pets cool this summer, and the HVAC system is running smoothly.

Is Your Outdoor AC Unit Protected?

Pets are curious animals, especially if they go outdoors to play or use the bathroom. However, it is not uncommon for pets to mark their territory on things like your AC unit. Unfortunately, this can lead to issues that can seriously impact your equipment and your pet’s safety. Our experts at Maderia Heating & Air suggest creating a barrier or building a fence around your AC unit to prevent pet-related damages. 

How Often Are You Replacing Your Air Filters?

Frequently replacing your air filter is essential for maintaining your residential HVAC system, especially being a pet owner. Pet hair and dander can cause clogs in air filters pretty quickly, so you want to check in on them at least once a month. If these filters are not changed regularly, your HVAC system could overwork itself, causing wear and tear on your equipment. 

Do You Regularly Groom Your Pets?

Whether or not you have a pet that sheds a little or a lot, regularly grooming them can significantly impact your HVAC system. Pet hair and dander can get caught in your household ventilation system and clog it up, which can induce a lack of airflow throughout your home. Grooming your pet will ensure no loose hair is wandering or laying around your house, leaving a cleaner ventilation and HVAC system.

Although our tips to pet owners can be beneficial for keeping your family, pets, and HVAC system safe, getting a routine HVAC tune-up for your system can go a long way. However, if you’re currently dealing with pet-related damages to your HVAC equipment, our HVAC experts at Madeira Heating & Air can help! Call us today at (513) 655-5125, or schedule an appointment online by clicking here!

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